Event Questions:
College admission representatives should contact Allyson Brown, greenvillecountycollegefair@gmail.com at 864.918.2931.
College Registration Questions:
Allyson Brown, greenvillecountycollegefair@gmail.com
Students/Parents/High School Counselors
Students and Parents do not need to register to attend (students may want to register for a bar code to facilitate transferring their contact information to a college) but the morning hours are ONLY open to pre-arranged busses per the bus schedule. If a parent or student wants to attend the fair, the evening hours are open for individual attendance. All parking is free.
High School Counselors – if you would like to arrange to bring a bus of students from your school that are not part of the Greenville County School District, you must contact Allyson Brown, greenvillecountycollegefair@gmail.com at 864.918.2931 to arrange your time on the school bus schedule during the morning hours. During the evening hours, if you bring a bus, you can drop the students off in the circle and park the bus where there is available parking at the convention center. All parking is free.